

11:00 – 12:30

Internationale Workshops
Als Teil der Aktivitäten zum 45. Jubiläum der Schweizer Jugendfilmtage bieten wir jungen Talenten die aussergewöhnliche Chance, mit internationalen Persönlichkeiten der Filmbranche in Kontakt zu treten. Während drei intensiven Tagen werden vertiefte Einblicke ins Filmemachen, Drehbuchschreiben und Nachdenken über Film angeboten. Mit Brendan Tolley, der das Storyboard von aquaman gezeichnet hat (James Wan 2018), Experimentalfilmer James N. Kienitz Wilkins und mehr. Für angemeldete Teilnehmende aus der Schweiz und den umliegenden Ländern, sowie den Teilnehmer*innen des BorderPass Workshops 2020.


Screening Talent Camp Filme
Eine Auswahl von Kurzfilmen der Talent Camp Teilnehmenden werden vorgeführt, mit anschliessendem Filmgespräch.

Ateliers internationaux
Parmi les activités que nous proposons à l’occasion de ce 45ème anniversaire du Festival Ciné Jeunesse, nous avons voulu donner aux jeunes talents la chance extraordinaire d’entrer en contact avec des personnalités internationales de l’industrie cinématographique. Pendant trois jours intensifs, les participant*es pourront réfléchir au cinéma et se pencher sur la réalisation et l’écriture de scénarios en compagnie de professionnels. Avec Brendan Tolley, le dessinateur du storyboard du film aquaman (James Wan 2018), le réalisateur expérimental James N. Kienitz Wilkins et d’autres. Réservé aux participant*es inscrit*es de Suisse et des pays voisins, ainsi qu’aux participant*es de l’Atelier BorderPass 2020.


Projection Talent Camp
Présentation d’une sélection de courts métrages réalisés par les participants du Talent Camp, suivie d’une discussion.

Pictures on a window
Director: Ella Knorz / Fiction / German / 6’ / Germany

Whenever we look through the window, we also see the Others. We named them Antonia and Fritz. They could also be called Emma and Maja or Max and Ingeborg. You decide. They have the perfect life. And whenever I see them, I feel this sudden emptiness deep inside – I don’t know what I’m missing. Your name is a secret. Maybe it will always be a secret. But my universe with you, beyond the glasses of this world, is infinite and gentle. Until summer dies…


Giulia Maria
Director: Rafael Soldani / Documentary / Swiss-German / 5’ / Switzerland

A short documentary that follows the days of a young artist who lives in Zurich. The film presents a melancholic journey through her studio and the world that surrounds her. Depicted in the images are her inner thoughts and philosophy.

Director: Anaïs Baseilhac / Documentary / French, e / 24’ / France

Located in the heart of Marseille, Lorenzo Styl ‘ is a renowned barbershop. Between confidence and jokes, the mainly male clientele gives up to the expert hands of their favorite hairdresser.


Schnappschuss (Snapshot)
Director: Daniel Morawitz / Fiction / German / 5’ / Austria

Samir must go through an initiation ritual to become part of a group he desperately wants to belong to. However, he is unaware of what the two leaders, Laurenz and Sebi, have planned for him.


My family in isolation
Director: Abdulah Hodžić / Documentary / Bosnian, Italian, e / 4’ / Bosnia and Herzegovina

Last year many families were in lockdown, which caused negative effects on human behavior but as well many activities to cope with the situation. I came up with the idea to present how can one family continue to live in harmony. I took a specific family story that can be universally applied which creates a sense of global connection. To present better my ideas I used stop-motion and video effects too.

Graduation film by Mateja Raickovic
Director: Mateja Raickovic / Documentary, Experimental /Montenegrin / 12’ / Montenegro

About a film student who has some mental health struggles but still manages to go through the process of making her graduation film.


Director: Gian Niggli / Fiction , Experimental / no dialogue / 5’ / Switzerland

A young woman finds herself coming too late to a date. Without any communication or context, she is confronted with presumptions, by both her date and the viewer —but are those presumptions true? «Causation» is a short experimental film telling a story about randomness and the connection between different events and people and their influence over each other.


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Bezahlung via Bankzahlung
Zürcher Kantonalbank, 8010 Zürich, PC: 80-151-4

Zugunsten von IBAN: CH83 0070 0110 0009 6543 1
Schweizer Jugendfilmtage, Weststrasse 182, 8003 Zürich

Unsere Partner*innen